Friday 27 November 2015


I decided to use Instagram for this piece of research as I am researching photographers and Instagram is about photography. I found an article on fashion photographers staying relevant on Instagram which can be viewed here.

'But what was once the traditional route for respected fashion photographers has morphed into something quite different more recently. Developments online, particularly the explosion in popularity of social media, has seen the fashion photography scene shift somewhat. “Some clients won’t even hire you unless you have many followers on social media,” says Justin Borbely, a London-based photographer whose work has been featured in i-D, The New York Times, Elle, Tatler, and others.'

'“Marketing used to be about product, place, price and promotion, whereas nowadays everything focuses on creating, curating, connecting and culture,” explains Ingemann Holm-Nielsen. “This shift in promoting products of course also influence the visual images, the PR strategy and how professionals in the industry work. Suddenly it might not be enough to be a talented photographer if you don’t have the right network or thousands of followers on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat or elsewhere.” '

Below is my Instagram with the posts I made on David Bailey.


  1. Good idea. How is your interview of the character coming along?

    1. My group and I have filmed the interview, I just need to post it.
